Friday 9 September 2011

Link Building: A Lucrative SEO Job

With web development becoming more and more available to almost every internet user and with the increasing number of platforms allowing virtually anyone to create his or her own website, it is expected that the competition for online traffic become tougher and tighter by the hour. And with many businesses today basing their operations entirely on the internet, it should also come as no surprise if they do everything to make their page ranks higher to drive more visitors to their sites. This whole business of traffic-driving is called search engine optimization or SEO. The best thing about SEO is it creates so many online jobs that can be done from the comfort of one’s home.

One of these SEO jobs is link building. Basically, it is the creation of links in other websites that lead to the website being optimized. That may be quite a too simplistic definition but it explains in the simplest terms how link building is done.

Searching for link building freelance opportunities, I stumbled upon the following job post, which I found quite funny.

“I want as many as possible links to my site. I only need to be 'famous' for 10 days. After that, it doesn't matter if I'm blacklisted or whatever. I need to be No 1 on Google on the 15th of May. Absolutely, positively. If I am toast by the end of May, doesn't matter. So I want porn links, link farms, blog spam. Everything! I MUST be No. 1 on the 15th of May for at least 24 hours. Bid a low to win. If I am no. 1 on 15/05/10, I WILL pay $600 U.S. dollars as a bonus. Guaranteed. My regular employee rating is 9.985. I'm sorry, but I am undercover for this one as it is flying under the radar.”

This job ad was created on April 20 the same year. I found it funny because the buyer seems to be really desperate to rank number on Google’s search results in such a short time. And the poster even had a specific target date for it! Whose curiosity wouldn’t be piqued by that? What kind of site could it be?

Well, I never found out because I didn’t even think of applying for it. Obviously, the buyer was looking for a link building team. An individual couldn’t possibly deliver the results the buyer wants in a very short period of time. But even with a team of link builders, they would have to have a really, really good strategy to give the buyer’s website the highest possible page rank even for just a day.

Doing link building per se is quite easy. You just need to post links in forums, comment threads, online site directories, blogs, etc. But getting good results, i.e. a boost in page ranking, isn’t as easy. Therefore, the practice of link building should be done with quality in mind. When we say link quality, we are talking of how creative links are.

Link building freelancers should be able to make their forum and blog posts more engaging and more credible-sounding so other people won’t think of them as mere spammers promoting their websites.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Getting Online Freelance Writing Jobs

 One of the most thriving online jobs is freelance writing. That’s because as more and more businesses take it to the internet, more and more website content become needed—and this is not to mention the offline content demand, namely those for the academe, print publications, etc.

But that is just from the side of the business establishments. Freelance writing thrives because of its convenience in terms of time, effort, and money. You don’t need to go physically to an office to write. You can just stay at home and work on your computer and still be able to do your habitual beeline for the fridge or the couch from time to time. And if you’re working full time in another job, you can even do freelance writing during breaks or extra time.

Given these advantages of taking online writing jobs, let’s go into the process of getting one. First thing a newbie freelancer may ask is “where do I get a freelance job?” You can search online for web content and freelance service providers. Two famous examples are and They allow clients (or those looking for freelancers) to post job ads on their site, which can be browsed and applied for by service providers (or freelancers like you). In short, they provide a venue for outsourcing tasks, which by the way aren’t just restricted to writing but include the whole spectrum of jobs that can be done and submitted online.

Another way you can get a freelance writing job is through forums. Compared with platforms like oDesk, however, job posts through forums are quite a bit hard to come by. Also, unless you know the job poster well, it would be quite hard to assure you’ll get paid and you still both have to negotiate your terms.

But whether you’ll be getting jobs from websites like oDesk or from forum posters, you’ll just be basically dealing with either a company or an individual hiring entity. The thing about individual employers is that they usually pay quite low compared to companies. That’s because hiring individuals are usually just outsourcing middlemen themselves: they get jobs from clients and get commission by outsourcing them to others. Companies, on the other hand, are quite more stable in the sense that they more or less follow industry rates for freelance jobs and already have an established payment scheme.

Needless to say, you should know how much you’ll be paid for the job you’re taking. Sad to say but with the number of freelancers looking for jobs online, the tendency of clients and outsourcers are to slash down their rates, being quite sure that there would be many out there willing to take on their job offer. Today, there are jobs that could rate as low as $1.00 for every 500-word article. The tip here is to negotiate, especially if you got an impressive resume.

Lastly, it would be best if you find your niche. If you know a lot or have an interest in gadgets and technology, you can take online writing jobs for that field. That way you’ll be able to sustain your interest in what you’re writing.

Freelance Programming As An Online Job

 One of the most common online jobs these days is freelance programming. This is because the world of software development and programming world is going continuously undergoing through drastic changes.

Freelance programming is also on demand because many big and even small companies are getting into different levels and options in order to gear their businesses towards stability. Because more and more companies are gearing towards different alternatives to promote their products and services better, this need opens up a lot of opportunities to professionals who are doing freelance work.

Becoming a freelance program

If you are a planning to get an online job as a freelance programmer, the first thing that you should have is the willingness to spend extra hours in dedicating your skills, expertise and experience to have better chances of survival in the industry. To those who are planning to be a freelance programmer online, you must:

- be must be able to finalize a certain set of goals. This is very important especially if you want to go freelancing online because this will serve as your foundation for the shifting career. Before you finally decide becoming a freelance programmer online, make sure that you have developed a clear set of goals to know where you are headed. You should also be able to develop a good business plan to identify your strengths and weaknesses as well as your abilities. Once you have done this, then you can now sell your services in various clients out there.

- create an impressive portfolio. Remember, your portfolio is your representation in the online market. If you want to go freelance in the world of programming online, your portfolio should reflect what you are marketing. Always remember that your portfolio is your "calling card," make sure that you build it well. Some of the good qualities of an effective portfolio are organized, clear, and professional-looking. If you are just planning to build one, make sure that you include your best works.

- try to build and maintain good working relationships with your clients. Working online makes it harder for people to create and maintain good working relationships. But, don’t let this prevent you from developing harmonious relationships with your clients. All you need to do is to open good communication lines with your clients and be there when they have questions or clarifications.

- get projects by promoting or marketing yourself. You can do this by signing up with an online marketplace, by building your own website, by creating a self-promotion piece, program or design, or by networking. You can also ask your friends who also have online jobs to refer you to their clients.

- always keep in mind that this is a business. Although being a freelance programmer is an online job, this is still a business. To maintain its viability, you must ensure that you have regular business hours when you accept a new project. You can also do this by always making sure that sign the contract and by getting half of your fee up as soon as the project starts to progress.

Freelance programmers who want to get online jobs can surf the Internet and try to visit sites where freelance works are listed such as AllFreelance, icplanet, ework, elance, workexchange, smarterwork, FlipDog Jobs, and eWanted.

Disadvantages of Online Jobs

With the internet becoming increasingly more accessible these days, online jobs also become more available as the web is made a venue for emerging and expanding businesses. Working online has many advantages, with cutting travel expenses and saving time among the most popular. It also provides the individual with greater flexibility of schedule, and less stress encounters associated with traveling. But as with any other desk job, it also has its share of disadvantages.

1. Lack of personal interaction with people. Undeniably, working online significantly reduces opportunities for personal interaction that desk or office jobs provide. Brief chats at work, office crushes, even the exchange of barbs with co-employees – these things you can miss out on online work, especially at-home online work. There will be more room for your internal chatter for sure.

2. Fewer personal networks. Sure, you have a global audience, and countless online acquaintances. But personal networking is still different. Online work environment provides a more limited personal interaction than work place environment, and if you are the type who normally stays home than go out and meet people, chances of expanding your social network will be very little. Even Facebook can only do so much.

3. Health deficiencies may develop from frequent exposure to the computer. If you tend to be workaholic, you will likely be adversely affected by your extended computer usage. Gears such as anti-glare, anti-radiation and anti-static monitor filters and protective computer glasses significantly help against eye strain and damaging vision impairment, but even those cannot counter the other effects of prolonged and frequent exposure to the computer, such as the tendency to develop neck strain, Carpal tunnel syndrome, other chemical and hormonal imbalances like iron deficiency. If you’re not the type to regularly exercise, these risks will double as you will most likely spend your working hours sitting in front of your laptop or desktop computer.

4. The legitimacy of your job. All of us want a glowing resume to present to prospective employers. But unless you check and double check the legitimacy of the company you are going to work for, there will always be the danger that the company you give your services to is not registered, or worse, does not really exist. Money scams are all over the place, and the internet is one of the easiest venues to push these rackets in.

5. Increased mental stress. This is associated with being cut off from one’s workplace environment, and the lack of frequent personal interaction. Stress response is also a result of the strain one experiences from being exposed to the computer for too long. It would be helpful to have someone with you where you work, just to release some of the tension. You have no choice but to keep to yourself when you are alone. 

It’s good for someone considering having a full-time online job to carefully weigh both sides of the equation before committing. Online jobs are not suited for everyone. Other factors such as lifestyle, discipline in work schedule, health and home demands should also be taken into consideration. For those planning to shift from desk work, carefully assess yourself, your goals and your lifestyle before you take on this new route.

Getting the Most Out of Your Home-Based Online Job

Gone were the days when the internet was merely for googling and gaming. On the outset of the 21st century, more and more companies opted to do business online, thus creating alternative home-based jobs to worn-out office workers and freelancers.

The wide array of opportunities include - among the more popular ones - data entry, medical transcription, SEO web copywriting, blogging and typing. Even techno geeks can carry out programming, web development and other online jobs for a multitude of clients all around the world. Indeed, the World Wide Web has reinvented traditional employment to a money making strategy less the hassle.

Nonetheless, it is important to remember that however easy, online jobs require above average to excellent intercultural communication skills as clients are of varied races. Such implies that a person bracing to work online has to have focus more than anything else. Other than that, she must demonstrate a mastery of the English language, must be knowledgeable on both Eastern and Western cultures (and everything in between), hardworking, and has a passion for learning.

If you think you’re fit enough to take the challenge of an online career, follow the helpful tips below to jumpstart and get the most out of your home-based gigs.

1. Establishing a regular working schedule is helpful to a start-up online employee. Having regularly scheduled working hours means avoiding the pitfall of working very long hours. Unlike regular office workers who get a clear signal to end a work day, most home-based employees have difficulty in ending a day’s job.

2. Setting up a neat and functional workspace in the house which contains all the tools and equipment needed to perform your job is also necessary. You may choose to work in the living room or in your own room; just make sure the workspace is aesthetically good and conducive to working.

3. Other activities might hamper the effectiveness of your outputs as they might be in conflict with your work schedule. It is therefore important to maintain a balance between work and leisure by avoiding so many activities. Time management is one of the keys to a successful online career; thus, discipline is highly essential.

4. Some moms have difficulty in attending to their children’s needs while fulfilling their job responsibilities. If you’re a work-at-home mom, consider hiring a nanny or babysitter to look after your kids while you work.

Keeping a professional attitude over work is also necessary for an online employee. Your house may be an informal setting for work, but client inquiries and requests must be handled and responded to in a professional way. Keep your conversations business-like to avoid doubts on the part of the employer.

These are personal pointers that have helped me do my job well as an online worker. You may find more guides and ideas on the net, but the most important thing to remember is that online jobs deserve the same dedication and attention as regular office jobs. Following these pointers will help become a more practical and productive online worker.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Copywriting As An Online Job

With the advent of technology, copywriting already covers a wide range of media like television, radio, magazines, brochures, direct mail, and the like today. In fact, every word in every brochure, advert, website and leaflet you see is written by the copywriter. Before, copywriters are restricted to being in-house or by marketing or PR firms but now, there are so many freelance copywriters that offer their services and get so many projects by making copywriting as an online job.

Today, freelance copywriters are known to write different forms of copy and are expected to produce great outputs. But, despite being demanding work, being an online copywriter can be a lot of fun and one of the best ways make great money if you have the skill, the connection, and the drive to be successful. Aside from being an avenue to earn great income, online copywriting also offers you the ability to work from anywhere via Internet.

Getting started

Being a copywriter enables you to choose a specific or particular market sector or product and you are expected to write something or anything that your potential client wishes.

In order to become a good and successful copywriter, you should have a great ability to research about a certain topic while understanding your clients and target customers. Aside from having excellent research and understanding skills, you also have to have imagination and flair to keep you ideas running while keeping your clients happy.

If you are planning to become an online copywriter, you must be:

1- well trained and educated. If you want to delve into the world of online copywriting, then it is a must that you get any type of writing degree in English, Journalism, Communications, and the like. Having an education or a background on the career you wish to pursue can be a strong step in finding work as a copywriter. If is it's impossible for you to have a degree, try to get certifications or non-degree courses that teach copywriting basics offered by many colleges. Having a background on copywriting can serve as your credential once you venture into freelance or online work.

2- get a pro bono work. If you don’t have any other experience, writing a copy or an item for free will provide you the experience you need. The copies you have written can also serve as sample copies once you market yourself as a freelance online copywriter.

3- try to get an internship. An internship from an establishment known to the field you wish to pursue can definitely back up your credentials once your venture as an online copywriter. Aside from giving you experience and first-hand knowledge, an internship may also lead you to a permanent employment with the company.

Although an online job as a copywriter can be quite lucrative, it can also be very stressful. This is because just like all freelance online jobs, copywriting means that you have to sell or market yourself, your ability to meet a deadline or complete a job on time, and to budget resources by making use of your skills and knowledge.

Advantages Of Online Jobs

The advent of the internet has created innumerable opportunities for interaction among cultures. With its massive popularity, the internet has been used as a venue for quite a number of interests, as well as business ventures. These businesses and other online sources of income paved the way for various online jobs to surface in the market. With scores of jobseekers wishing to enter the work force, online jobs not only increase person-to-job ratio – it also provides an opportunity for people to expand their horizon. Here are some reasons where you might consider online jobs to be worthy alternatives:

1. Online jobs are generally cost-effective. Your only expense, basically, is your internet fee. Compared to desk jobs where people have to battle traffic and the stress of traveling, online jobs can be done practically everywhere, even in the comfort of your own home. It doesn’t hurt that you also get to save a great deal from your travel expenses as well.

They save lots of travel time. The 30 minutes you use to commute to work or the 10 minutes spent for walking to the office building can be used for other worthwhile activities, like conceptualizing on a project or troubleshooting.

3. There are greater opportunities for income online. The possibilities are promising. One need not be constrained to a single employer or source of income, which are typical of desk jobs. In online jobs, you get to explore several areas, where boundless opportunities await.

4. A bigger network lies in the World Wide Web. With online jobs, you can reach a wider range of audience. A global audience is characteristic of the “boundless” society of the internet. You will never know what and who your work will reach, and its effect on people with varying cultures.

5. Age is often just a number. This is especially true if you know how to go about the computer and the internet. Since jobs online require minimal physical exertion, age is typically not much of an issue. What is of much concern to the client is the quality of work you do.

6. Online jobs allow a flexibility of location. You can work anywhere you want, provided you have internet connection. You need not battle it out with other commuters in the subway, or fall in line at bus stops, and experience the other stressors normally experienced by people with desk jobs. Working online gives you more freedom to get comfortable with your work environment that you have chosen for you own.

With online jobs slowly gaining popularity, it’s not hard to believe the many benefits you can experience by working online. Its attraction lies mainly in being able to work from your preferred zone, and being instantly connected to a wider audience range. The increasing dependence of people on the internet makes it easier for jobs and businesses to penetrate the market.  The advantages listed above are only guides to help you weigh your options, and be more informed with your choices.